Grandma & Amari

Grandma & Amari
This is the first girl of my 4th generation.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

To my colleagues & Dr. Weems




One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length)

My hope for myself is to learn to communicate with families and children so that they will feel comfortable in communicating with me. Comfort for me is to be able to allow another person  know when I need help and when they (Child or Family) they need more that I can give them. It is very important to remember I don’t have all the answers and have enough support from colleagues and other early childhood professionals to help me to maintain a professional and friendly atmosphere for the children and the families of those children.

One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length)

Diversity is one of the areas I would like to explore on a deeper level.  Equity and Social Justice will hold big poster boards

Definition of Diversity

        The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.  It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.  These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.  It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.


A brief note of thanks to your colleagues

You guys have are a blessing to my life. I have never had so much information that I could actually use. (lol) These last eight weeks have been a challenge for me with work and family; I don’t know what I would have done without you. Thanks for all your feedback and your expertise. I look forward to finishing up this segment of my early childhood degree. I look forward to seeing some of you in my last few classes. I appreciate you all. THANK S TO ALL OF YOU.

Dr. Weens, it was my pleasure and thanks for the time you have dedicated to helping me. I really appreciate you.

Have a great holiday. Enjoy your break too, I will.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I can relate to the difficulties of juggling family and school. Fortunately our classmates kept the bar high which motivated me to work hard as well. Dr. Weems was very helpful in the beginning of the course by setting the expectations. I hope the next two classes are as challenging yet motivating! Happy Christmas

    1. You are right. I will be a success. I will work hard. Determination pays well. Thanks

  2. I especially liked your statement about comfort and knowing when you need help and knowing when someone needs more than you can give. Those seem to be very sincere and honest reflections.
    Have a great new year.

    Gregory Uba

  3. Hi Leslie,
    I liked the definition of diversity because it encompasses so many people. I am not sure if I ever thought of diversity being so huge but I see now how each one of us plays a part of it.
    Hope to see you in the next class!

    1. Hope to see you too. I have learned from every one in class and I look for to new ifnormation. Thanks.

  4. This time of year is always difficult with work and school. Our professors have expectations for us and we in turn have expectations to meet at home, work, as well as with our school work. I have struggled just as many of you have but I can say that everyone has been a great motivation to keep working hard and not lose sight of the goal. Good luck to you!!

    1. Hard work does pay well. I need to be reminded of the rewards. Thanks Aspril.

  5. I agree, creating a professional and friendly atmosphere is extremely important in the early childhood field. Both our students and their families need to know that they are always welcome and that they are appreciated for who they are. I have enjoyed sharing this experience with, I hope to see you in future courses!!

    1. Alicia I will do my best to make my classrom safe and a great learning environment for all children and the families of those children. Thanks for your encouragement and your support.

  6. Leslie,
    The holidays can be stressful enough,but add the demand of classes, it can become quite overwhelming. It's nice to have understanding colleagues and instructors to ease some of the stress. I wish you the best as you finish up on your educational journey. Enjoy your break(they tend to go by way too fast) and the Holidays.

    1. You enjoy your break too. I hope to see you in another class. I really enjoyed yor postings. Happy Holidays!
