Grandma & Amari

Grandma & Amari
This is the first girl of my 4th generation.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Creating Art


Children are only a loan to us from God, sooner or later we have to give them back.

Children are only a loan to us from God; we have to love them no matter what they do,  Children are only a loan from God, they learn they play and grow.

Children are only a loan from God, keeping and caring, teaching and sharing, being their loving guide. Loving them in this world of malice and strife and keeping them alive.

Children are from God as a source of strength and a way to keep life growing. Children are from God those that leave on such short notice leave our hearts unknowing.

 Children from God soon return from above. Children are from God. Children from God deserve to be loved.

My prayers go out to the parents, grand-parents, family and friends for the lost lives recently taken by the child of God that somehow became lost.