Grandma & Amari

Grandma & Amari
This is the first girl of my 4th generation.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Who Am I as a Communicator?

What is the one thing that surprised you the most? Why? What other insights about communication did you gain this week? Choose at least two to share with others through your blog and consider how each might inform your professional work and personal life.

I am a very confident person when it comes to communicating with others. I work with people face-to-face every day of the week and on the weekends I like to be free to go and do as I please. At my work place I have rules and guidelines and when I ‘m at home I still have rules and guidelines for myself. I say what I feel in most situations and at times I mask my feeling to avoid making people think I am not who I say I am. Sometime I want to be quiet and other times I want to be noticed, not for what I do but for who I am. I like making others happy.

My communication anxiety inventory score says that I’m comfortable communicating in most situations, and I say it’s true. I sometimes hold back my feelings and emotions to keep from hurting someone else’s feeling or sometimes even telling the truth in fear of hurting another person, but that I’m very confident. Why can’t I allow my feeling to be shared with others is be4cause I think others will not share what I feel. I rarely allow people to know when I’m hurting or afraid not because I’m a pion because I don’t want anyone to know my week spots.

I had one of my co-workers evaluate me using the same inventory. I explained to her that she needs to express her feelings towards me and to answer the questions truthfully. I also picked this person because when we’re at work she tends to say things to me when people are around that give me the impression that she is trying to belittle me or make herself look like she is all that and a bag of chips.

When I reviewed her responses to the communication anxiety inventory our scores both fell in the low level meaning that I feel comfortable communicating in most situations and feel confident in such encounters.

On the verbal aggressiveness scale my co-worker rank me significant,  meaning that I cross the line going from “argumentative” which attacks  person’s position or statement, and verbal aggression which involves  personal attack. I know why she answered this way.  I ranked myself moderate. I will fight for what I think is right and not allow a person to ridicule me to make them look good. Me and this particular co-work well together on most days.  I feel I maintain a good balance between respect and considerations for others viewpoints.  I won’t allow people to embarrass me either.

My listening skills are sympathetic to others so therefore my listening skills help me to build relationships. Group 1 on the rating scale. My “self- concept” (O’Hair & Wiemann, 2012, p. 47) shapes the way I treat others. Where I work allows me to use my communication skills on a daily basis. Through practice, understanding, and what I am learning in this class, my skills are improving.

O’Hair, D., Weimann, M. (2012) Real communication: An introduction. Bedford/St. Martin (2nd ed) Boston-New York




1 comment:

  1. Leslie –

    It is difficult that your co-worker scored you lower than what you perceived yourself as, but do not take that personally either. People, perceive things in very different ways as we very well know, its how we learn from these scores and interactions that help us build our own character. Congratulations, on being comfortable in speaking in almost all situations, I admire you for that quality.

    Thank you for sharing,
