Grandma & Amari

Grandma & Amari
This is the first girl of my 4th generation.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Supports

The factors I see as a support system are the ladies I work with every day. I have so many things to do that I don’t always get to talk about with what’s going on in my life. I like to talk about school, my personal life, and my life with my family. I work in an office environment where we see people face-to-face all day. I face many challenges with doing my job and the encouragement I get from my job family is like no other.
My co-workers know how important my education is to me and how badly I want to open up my own childcare center and to teach early education. They are very supportive of my thoughts and my ambitions to make this would a better place for our children. All of my coworkers are family oriented and some of them are in school as well. We talk about everyday challenges with working, going to school, and raising our families. We support each other and when something is going on in our life that we need to pray about we all get together and pray. It works.
Not only do I like going to work, I also like the people I work with and they like me. It’s like we have our own little family. Let me not leave our wonderful manager who falls right in line with us. She helps me stay out of trouble and I don’t know what I would do without her either. I would not have come this far with the support of the women I work with at my job and the encouragement they offer to me on a daily basis.
Some of my worst fears are failing in school. I try to study hard and to complete task in a timely manner. Time does not allow me to do much more during the week beside work, school and raising my daughter. I want to buy a new house and open up a childcare center right now but finances and obligations are making the process very challenging for me. I am now a single mom and my income is our only support. I want to give back to the community and also provide a good life for my daughter by providing all of her needs as well as my own needs. I do very well for myself and getting started is a big step. I would have to make some sacrifices that I am afraid would put me in a bind. I don’t want to borrow money that I can’t pay back because that would only put me behind in my plans.
Finishing school would give me some tools to work with to bring the plan together. Most days I’m ok, but when I look at my future it seem so far to reach for my goals. I am a winner and I don’t give up. I encourage everyone to follow your dreams and keep the future endeavors bright. Don’t give up and don’t quit. “Loser do what they want to do, and winners do what they have to. I know I am a winner.”


  1. You are fortunate to have such a supportive work environment, since not all of us have that. Often times we see our co-workers more than our family and friends.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement April. I get so much information from everyone in our post and discussion in our classroom. You all play a big part of my support system, especially with your responses and comments. I enjoy learning what some of you already know and it is helping me to become a better person.

  2. Hi Leslie,

    It is good for you to have such nice coworkers who understand you, your passion to your goal and the situations you are in. Also I think you brought a great message for everybody in the class because we all working hard for our goals and dreams and I believe that nobody thinks the journey is easy. I will keep the words of “winners do what they have to” in my mind.


    1. Thanks Aya for always reading my post and your responses. That let's me know your are part of my support system too.

  3. It is great when you have support at work as well as at home. Like Shelley said we often do see our co-workers more than our family and friends, I know this is very true for me. My co-workers have been very supportive and I know they will be glad when I stop interviewing and observing their classrooms. I also think that we all have at one time or another the fear of failing in school. I know I do occasionally but the fact that we have made it this far I believe that we will all succeed.

  4. I am glad to know I'm not along. With people like you and everyone else in the class i and encouraged to keep learning and sharing my thoughts and experiences with all.
