Grandma & Amari

Grandma & Amari
This is the first girl of my 4th generation.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Non-verbal communication-Action does not speak louder than words.

I take responsibility for actions and my words.

What assumptions did you make about the characters and plot based on the ways in which you interpreted the communication you observed?
I watch the show “The Office” on TBS channel 247. Watching the show without sound was pretty interesting to me because I have never watched a show without the sound. The interpretations I perceived where that the show was pretty boring or serious from the look on the characters faces. I do not know how to read lips although I attempted to do so as I tried to make out some of the words. I was way off. The scenery appeared to have taken place in a conference room and then it switched to a barn yard setting. The people conversing had sad looks on their faces; I thought it was concerning an illness of someone or maybe even a death, very sad. Non-verbal communication of such scenes was pretty confusing to me and if this was a test I would have failed. The show was pretty boring to me and I would most likely not ever watch it again.
Would your assumptions have been more correct if you had been watching a show you know well?
No, and even If I have watched the show more than once.  It’s like watching for the 10th time. If it were a series, I would have assumed that I knew what a particular character would be saying and that’s only if I had seen the particular show more than once. I only assume that I would be correct. I would have to watch the show in silence while recording myself mimicking the words and then listening to the recording. I probably would have the meaning of what that character was saying not exact words.
The body gestures, the facial expressions all could mean something other than what I would be thinking. This theory was proven to me in the exercise.

”Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. “ --Charles Dickens
”The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” --Ludwig Wittgenstein

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is Communication

What behaviors does this person exhibit that make him or her effective? Would you want to model some of your own communication behaviors after this person? Why or why not?

I would have to say my mom. I either take my mom to the store every week or I go for her. She writes a list before she goes to the store to make sure she doesn’t forget anything. When I go for her she writes me a list. What we do is to sit down and go over the list before I leave. She writes down every detail; name brand, size, and color, etc… this way I don’t get anything wrong. I kind of like the idea because most people shop brand name or designer. My mom shop sales and if I get to the store and the item is sold out she says get a rain check. If I see something of better quality, better price, or even better quantity I will call her or bring it to her attention if we are together and we negotiate price.
I am very organized and it because of my mom. Everything has a place and every place has a thing.
Whether communication is verbal or written, it is always good to know exactly what the sender is communicating to the receiver. “The rules of grammar, spelling and capitalization all apply” (lol) (Chapter 1, page 18)
O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. (2nd ed) Bedford/ St. Martin’s Boston-New York